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SS Curtain Pipes

Curtain pipes of steel are best when in comes to hanging curtains
Their strength and their shiny finish makes them best suitable in modern homes
Comes in various sizes and shapes that are used differently
Oval & 18mm pipes used in almirahs or small curtains
25mm pipes used primarily to hang long curtains
With various sizes and cut lengths they are a limited variety product with bulk sale
Comes in following sizes and weights
Size Cut Length Light Weight Heavy Weight
18mm 12 feet 500, 550 900,1000
25mm 12 feet 750, 900 1250, 1400
25mm 15 feet 1200 1750
Some special sizes and variety that comes with curtain pipes
Oval (1200)
9mm : 280gms
12mm : 380gms

SS Curtain Pipes
at Best Rates
in India
We'll be happy to discuss your needs
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